About Myself

Hello! I’m Alia Jannah, and I am a 16 years old iOS Developer with dreams of someday to study abroad in Bay Area and working at Apple Park (or Silicon Valley) when I’m older. My backgrounds are quite alright with having supportive parents and friends along the way.

I’m currently a Form 4 student at SMK Seksyen 16 Shah Alam, pursuing computer science stream (soon!) with quite alright marks, I’m super grateful to be in here with amazing teachers.

I also having hobbies outside programming; such as playing Genshin Impact (I’m a Furina, Yoimiya and Venti main!, AR 57 currently), drawing and reading,but I enjoy programming the most of course.

I hope that I can contribute anything to the society, and also somehow… (this sounds cheesy) help the world for the better tomorrow. ;-)

“I think when we build something we love and that others love, then we have done our job.” - Craig Federighi.